On the morning of the sixteenth of April, 1861, at nine o'clock, the Logan Guards received orders from Gov. Curtin to proceed immediately to Harrisburgh, and by nine o'clock that night they were ready to leave for that place with one hundred members. Through some mismanagement of the railroad company, they did not get off until the next morning at four o'clock, As a consequence, they arrived in Harrisburgh about six o'clock on the morning of the seventeenth, which was, at least one hour before the arrival of any other company. After the other companies arrived, they were all sworn in together; and on the morning of the eighteenth the five companies left Harrisburgh for Washington city. Daring their passage through Baltimore, and their entrance into Washington, the Logan Guards had the right, and were the first company to report themselves/or duty to the Adjutant General. The credit should fall on those who deserve it—the gallant Logan Guards, Capt. John B. Selheimer, of Lewiston, Mifflin County Pennsylvania.