The Freehold > Freehold


Web Cams

Alaska Volcano Observatory — Currently showing a webcam of Augustine Island volcano

ClickItOn — An Interactive live webcam where you control the lights.

EarthCam — is the leading network of live webcams and offers the most comprehensive search engine of internet cameras from around the world.

Pyramid Cam — Live webcam at the Pyramids

Webcam Central - Cross-indexed listing of thousands of live webcams on the Internet

According to Wikipedia:

Freehold is a term used in real estate or real property law, land held in fee simple, as opposed to leasehold, which is land which is leased.

A freeholder is an elected county official in the State of New Jersey; see Board of Chosen Freeholders, the body they serve in. (an 8th great-grandfather of mine was one of the earliest freeholders)

Farnham's Freehold is a novel written by Robert A. Heinlein in 1965.

North Farnham was an Anglican parish in Richmond county, Virginia (9th great-grandparents owned land in this parish)

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