One of the Few Scenes
of Retaliation Stockade for Confederate Prisoners on Morris Island
Many threats of
retaliation for the alleged mistreatment of prisoners were made during the
war, but the photograph above is the scene of one of the few which were
carried out. In 1864, while Sherman was pushing everything before him in
Georgia, a number of Union prisoners were sent to Charleston and confined
within the city limits, actually under fire of the Union batteries, although
the city was still inhabited. In retaliation, six hundred Confederate
officers were placed on the steamer Crescent, August 20, 1864, and started
for Charleston from Fort Delaware. When they arrived, the stockade built for
their prison on Morris Island under fire of the Confederate batteries was
not ready, and the prisoners were not landed till September 7th. The food
furnished them was identical with that which rumor had it was furnished the
prisoners in the city. The Confederates, however, were careful to fire high.
The guard in the stockade was as much exposed as the prisoners. The Federal
prisoners in the city were finally withdrawn; the stockade was then
abandoned, and its inmates sent to Fort Pulaski, Savannah, on October 23,
