Where Blue and Gray
Were Cared For Alike—After Spotsylvania
In the battle of Spotsylvania, May 12,
1864, General Edward Johnson's division of seven thousand men were taken
prisoners at the salient known as "Bloody Angle." Some of the wounded
prisoners were placed in the same field hospitals as the Federals, and
treated by the Union surgeons. They were left on the field as the army moved
on, and a small Confederate cavalry force under Colonel Rosser rescued all
who could be identified as Confederates, and took all of the hospital
attendants not wearing a distinctive badge. The surgeons and other
attendants were left unmolested. Owing to the hard fighting and frequent
changes of position in this campaign, both medical supplies and medical
officers were scarcer than had generally been the case; but owing to the
help of the Sanitary Commission and other outside agencies, the prisoners
fared better than they would have done inside their own lines, and had one
good meal before their rescue. |