page 187 in 1911 book

(select image to view larger version)
Virginia, Aquia Creek. Provost Marshal's Office, Winter of 1862-3., 02/1863;
part of Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War, by Alexander Gardner
(NARA image)
visits to this page.
Page last revised05/24/2006 |
More Civil
War Material:
American Civil
War Anecdotes, Incidents and Articles.
This online edition of The Photographic
History of the Civil War includes improved images using digital images
from the Library of Congress, when available. It also includes additional
images that are either cropped from the Library of Congress digital images
or are related to the specific topic being discussed in the article or page.
Volume 7 of the History is the first
volume I'm publishing online simply because it was the one I was interested
in when I decided to publish.
More to come, I hope.