pddoc.com > reflets home > Prokudin-Gorskii index Prokudin-Gorskii Collection - Images of the Russian EmpireAndrei Petrov Kalganov —Former master in the plantAndrei Petrov Kalganov. Byvshīi master zavoda. Na sluzhbie byl 55 liet, ot rody 72 g. Imiel schastīe podnosit' khlieb-sol' Ego Imperatorskomu Velichestvu Gosudariu Imperatoru Nikolaiu II. [Zlatoust] translation: Andrei Petrov Kalganov. Former master in the plant. Seventy-two years old, has worked at the plant for fifty-five years. He was fortunate to present bread and salt to His Imperial Majesty, the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. [Zlatoust] created 1910 album: Views in the Ural Mountains, survey of industrial area, Russian Empire Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Collection — Lib. of Congress Prints and Photographs Division These images cropped and digitally enhanced, 12/12/2005 © MpG Public domain digital file from image available at loc.gov: blog posted 12/18/2005