April 28, 1864, Warrensburg, Mo.,
Brigadier-General E. B. Brown to Major O. D. Greene

WARRENSBURG, April 28, 1864.

 Maj. O. D. GREENE,  A. A. G., Saint Louis:

MAJOR: I have the honor to report, for the information of the major-general commanding, that at 4 a.m. to-day I received information that a party of about 80 rebels crossed Grand River, near Dayton, Case County, at 3 p.m. yesterday, and were moving toward Rose Hill; at 10 a.m. that they had passed near Holden, and 2.30 p.m. had crossed Black Water River, south of Chapel Hill, and had met Lieutenant Couch, First Missouri State Militia, with 3 soldiers, in a hack, and murdered them when on the way to this place, when about 5 miles this side of Chapel Hill. The troops have been ordered to send their camp and garrison equipage to the posts where there was a quartermaster of volunteers on receipt of your dispatch that Jackman had passed Clarksville, and to draw shelter-tents, turning in all unnecessary quartermaster's stores. This was being done to-day.

If my information is correct, that the enemy was in the vicinity of Chapel, he is now within a square of our troops, who are moving from Jackson County east, La Fayette County west, and from Kingsville north, in pursuit, and from Pleasant Hill north to intercept him. There being no leaves on the trees, I hope to cut him up badly in the next few days, and to be ready to treat Jackman in the same way when he arrives. If I cannot succeed in killing them, or a part of them, there will be no good done, as they are like birds of passage, and to disperse them will bring no good results. I am unable as yet to learn what band this is, but it moves like Quantrill's, and I do not suppose that Jackman could have reached here if he was at Clarksville Monday.

My troops are alive to the necessity of making short work of these fellows, and they will do it if possible. The commanding general may rely on their zeal.

I am, very truly, your obedient servant,


 Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding.


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