The Charleston Mercury

August 28, 1862


MOBILE, August 27. - The Advertiser has the following despatch, dated Tupelo, August 26: Memphis papers of the 23d publish an intercepted letter from Gen. HINDMAN to Gen. PRICE, in which the former states that he has 30,000 men, consisting of Arkansians, Texans and Mississippians, but only 3,000 stand of arms. Yankee despatches report a battle to have been fought at Clarendon, on White River, in Eastern Arkansas, between six regiments of Yankee infantry and eight regiments of Confederate cavalry, under Gen HINDMAN, They announce a heavy loss on both sides, and claim to have gained a victory. It is stated that two regiments have been enlisted in Chicago, and that three regiments per day pass through Philadelphia from the eastward. The St. Louis Democrat contains intelligence confirming the defeat of the Lincolnite State militia of Missouri by QUANTRELL, the partizan leader. It is admitted that the militia lost two pieces of artillery and 200 men in the fight. The battle took place at Love Jack, in Jackson
county, on the Kansas border; and not far from the Missouri River. The correspondent of the Chicago Times estimates BUELL'S command at 35,000.

October 26, 1864


    MOBILE, October 25. - On Saturday night the steamer Senator Number Two exploded her starboard boiler, near Park Landing, and was then burned and sunk; 25 were killed or missing, and five wounded.

    The St. Louis Republican, of the 20th, and the Memphis Bulletin, of the 22d, represent PRICE to be in possession of the country from Marshall to Lexington, Missouri. The Federal combinations, it is said, will compel him to cut his way out of the State. He left Booneville on the 14th. Four thousand of his troops were at Glasgow. Large accessions had been made to his force. QUANTRELL and JACKMAN are reported to have joined him. ANDERSON and JACKMAN had recruited eight thousand men North of the Missouri River, in five counties. PRICE'S army is in fine spirits, and talks of wintering in the State. The St. Louis Democrat (Abolition) says: 'We cannot conceal the fact that the rebel army is assuming alarming proportions, and constantly gathering arms from unsupported garrisons.'

    At Glasgow, the Federal garrison of six hundred regulars and five hundred citizens had surrendered.

    Great excitement prevails in Western Kentucky, owing to an anticipated raid from FORREST.

    A party of guerillas had attempted to capture ex-Secretary SALMON P. CHASE, of Ohio, while speaking at Convington, Ky.