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Issue 1861—19 |
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Issue 19 ←April 25 April 27→ April 26, 1861
A Chronological History of the Civil War in America
The New York HeraldThe News.Our advices yesterday with regard to affairs in Washington and vicinity were very conflicting. At one time it was stated that the Seventh regiment of this city and the Massachusetts Eighth regiment, from Annapolis, had arrived in the federal capital, as well as the New York regiments which left here on Sunday, together with other State troops. Later in the day this was contradicted, and it was stated that the Seventh New York and Eighth Massachusetts regiments were encamped eight miles from Annapolis. There is reason to believe, however, that at least a portion, if not all, of these troops we have named, are now at Washington. That the Seventh has arrived we have positive intelligence. Our latest despatches advise us of a terrible state of excitement and apprehension in the capital. An early attack is anticipated, and all business is suspended. From Philadelphia it is stated that the President will soon call for one hundred thousand more men, if he has not done so already. In contradiction of the report which has prevailed for some days past, that General Beauregard is in the neighborhood of Washington, preparing for the contemplated attack on that place, we have a despatch from Philadelphia stating that a gentleman has arrived in that city who left Charleston on Thursday of last week, who says that General Beauregard was then in Charleston, superintending the repair of Fort Sumter, in anticipation of an immediate attack by the government. This gentleman is reported as representing that there had, up to the time he left Charleston, been no movements of troops northward from there, and that none were likely soon to be despatched. The people there were still unaware of the unanimous Union feeling which now pervades the North. No reliable intelligence with regard to the reported taking of Fort Pickens by the secessionists is yet received. One account from the South states that it had been taken with a loss on the part of the Southerners of 2,500. The latest advices, though, discredit this. We have a despatch from Fort Smith, Arkansas, stating that on Wednesday night, that post was taken possession of by the State forces, under command of ex-Senator Borland. The garrison of the fort at the time it surrendered number three hundred men. General Ransom, who has recently left North Carolina, reports that every federal post in that State has been taken. At Fayetteville Arsenal seventy thousand stand of arms were captured, including twenty eight thousand of the most approved pattern. Accounts from Baltimore represent that city to have been quiet on Wednesday; but the quietness is only that of terror. The mob have completely awed the citizens. All the wholesale stores are said to be closed, and the clerks are forced to enlist in the secession army. All males over fourteen years of age are required to enroll themselves. All Northerners who can escape are leaving the city. The election for delegates to the extra session of the Maryland Legislature, which meets at Annapolis today, took place in Baltimore on Tuesday. It was a mere farce. Only about 8,500 votes were cast, and they all for one ticket—the ‘Southern States rights.’ It is supposed that the Legislature, on assembling, will immediately pass an ordinance of secession. The steamship Empire City, from Indianola, Texas, on the 13th inst. arrived here yesterday, having on board the Third regiment of infantry and the Second regiment of cavalry, United States Army, numbering in all about six hundred men. The troops are all in good health. The Empire City brings intelligence of the Star of the West. She had not been captured by the rebels, but was at Indianola when the Empire City sailed, and was awaiting the arrival of troops from the Rio Grande to convey them North. It is supposed that the Empire City will in a few days be despatched by government with troops to the seat of war. At a meeting of members of the medical profession, held at Cooper Institute on Tuesday evening, resolutions were adopted pledging their professional services to the families of absent soldiers free of charge. A committee was appointed to whom applications for surgeons in the army may be made. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, the treasurer of the committee having in charge the subscriptions of the Chamber to the find for equipping the regiments needing assistance, and otherwise aiding the soldier, stated that the amount already received is over one hundred thousand dollars. It was voted to merge the committee in the Citizens’ Committee for the same object. The Board of Aldermen last evening still manifested a laudable desire to aid the families of the volunteers, and voted $500 for a gold box for the gallant Major Anderson. The Commissioners of Charities and Correction met yesterday. The report of the committee of the Whole stated that there are a number of the recruits of the Second regiment quartered at Bellevue Hospital; that the Board have agreed to allow two months pay to their employees who volunteer, and to retain their situation till they return; the Warden of Bellevue Hospital has been ordered to have one or two words in that building prepared for the reception of wounded soldiers, and that an application has been received from Dr. Harris for permission to accompany a large number of nurses from Bellevue Hospital, to afford them an opportunity of learning the art of nursing patients properly. The report stated that the number in the institutions at present is 8,316—a decrease of 110 for the week. Messrs. Horton and Post, two of the United States Marshal aids, yesterday visited several bank engraving establishments in the city, and seized ten engraved copper plates, some of national bonds for the Southern confederacy, and some of bank notes to be issued for the States of America. In the centre of these plates was the likeness of Jefferson Davis. The plates were laid before the Grand Jury. A meeting of the ladies of the congregation of St. Bartholomew’s church took place yesterday for the purpose of providing lint, linen bandages, &c. for the wounded soldiers of the federal army. They will meet again this morning at ten o’clock, when committees will be appointed and all the arrangements perfected to carry out their laudable and praiseworthy intentions. William Pratt, mate of the ship Montank, charges with piracy, in being engaged in the slave trade, was brought before United States Commissioner White yesterday. Mr. Andrews produced a witness on the part of the government who deposed that Pratt was mate of the vessel, and they took 1,140 slaves on board off Congo river, and brought them into Havana. The examination stands adjourned. The Charleston MercuryThe Capital to be Blown Up.LATEST by TELEGRAPH.—THE WAR NEWS. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN WASHINGTON.—LINCOLN AND HIS CABINET IN A FRIGHT. ALEXANDRIA, April 25.—The Government at Washington has taken possession of the telegraph office, and no despatch for a Southern point is allowed to be sent off, unless it meets their approval. It was proposed to your correspondent that he send despatches to THE MERCURY as they might prepare, which was of course respectfully declined on my part, and so at much risk I have run over here, where LINCOLN has no control, to send you the news. The Administration is most actively engaged in fortifying the city of Washington. The whole force congregated there is six thousand, including a large number of volunteers. The volunteers are strongly suspected of Southern affinities, and already much dissatisfaction exists. A mutiny was threatened yesterday among those two thousand quartered at the Capitol, which caused Secretary CAMERON to be sent for in great haste. Batteries are being erected on all the surrounding hills for the protection of the city. It is anticipated that martial law will be proclaimed tomorrow. Spies in the Government employ are constantly coming in from Virginia and other States. The Republicans are terribly alarmed, and preparations are already completed for blowing up the Capitol and other public buildings in case of a successful attack. The Federal troops at Annapolis will hold that point as a means of egress from the Capital, as well as a means of ingress for further reinforcements. The United States navy and army is virtually disbanded, which alarms the Administration to an exceeding degree. Upwards of one hundred resignations have been tendered within the past two days. Several hundred clerks in the various departments have also resigned. LINCOLN entirely disregards the counsel of his Cabinet, and is controlled by JIM LANE, of Kansas notoriety; CASSIUS M. CLAY, and old FRANK BLAIR. These gentlemen admit the war to be against slavery, and not for the Union, and they publicly boast that they will wipe out States Rights and establish a strong government to keep us in subjection. Maryland is bravely contesting every inch of ground, and no Northern troops have reached Washington since the attack on the Massachusetts regiment in Baltimore. These troops express the greatest surprise at their reception and attack in Baltimore. They say they did not expect any fighting, and only volunteered for Washington, thinking it would be a very fine frolic. They are now growing very restless; and LINCOLN is becoming much alarmed for his personal safety, as are all the Republicans in the city. If the public buildings are not blown up and deserted, it is said that the North will march legions in Maryland and force their way to the capital. The Foreign Ministers view LINCOLN’S Proclamation as your Cabinet at Montgomery did. They look upon it as a good joke, and it has been the source of much merriment amongst them. The Vindicator(Staunton, Va.) A Solemn Duty.The remarkable course of the last Spectator in endeavoring at this time to interweave party with the terrible civil war that is now convulsing the country, and attempting to establish that it proves the correctness of the policy of the “Union” party cannot fail to attract the attention of the public. At a time when the people should be warned to prepare to defend their households from the aggressive steps of a perfidious foe, the majesty and sacredness of the occasion is insulted by covertly directing its efforts to the resurrection of its old party. The brief, yet significant allusion to “taxes” etc., shows that the wiry genius who wrote that remarkable letter on the subject of “taxes,” during the Convention canvass, is still cherishing the hope of rescuing himself from the consuming wrath of a deceived people and being restored to their forfeited confidence. Indeed, throughout the columns of the last Spectator, there pervades a persistent purpose to give vitality to party irrespective of the momentous events that are startling the hearts of the people. While the leaders and file of the Democracy are daring the canon’s mouth, or giving efficiency to the energies of the State in her grand and glorious efforts to defend her honor, it would seem that some of the Union men have no higher sins than to grovel in the ignoble work of county politics. Instead of casting bullets for the defense of their firesides, they are more intensely engaged in ascertaining for whom the votes of the people may be cast. We will not give expression to our feelings at such conduct. We pray that the people will turn away from such considerations to the solemn and terrible thought that their homes may be invaded by a ruthless enemy, and to prepare for any emergency. Be true to thyself, and then it will follow as the night the day, thou canst not be untrue to another. Virginia One of the Confederate StatesVery Latest by Telegraph. A telegram was received last (Thursday) night, bringing us the glorious tidings that Virginia had formed an alliance with the Southern Confederacy. Home Guard.We attended the drill of the Home Guard, Capt. W.P. Tate, on Tuesday night last. We were impressed with the character of the men of which it is composed. Numbering two hundred, who constitute the substantial manhood of the community, some of them the oldest, we could not but think that if such men were ready to shoulder the musket in the cause of the State, that we, as a people, were truly invincible. Could Old Abe, in his mind’s eye, have taken a glance into Armory Hall last Tuesday night, he might have learned a lesson, and that if somebody was not yet hurt, somebody might be in a very short time. The officers of the Guard are Wm. P. Tate, Captain, John N. Hendren, 1st Lt. David S. Young, 2d. Nicho. K. Trout, 3d. Benj. F. Points, 4th. E.M. Cushing, Orderly Sergeant. Augusta Riflemen.Capt. Asher W. Harman has now nearly equipped his fine company of Mounted Riflemen, numbering about 100 men. This will be one of the finest in the State, and if opportunity presents, laurels will be won, for the dashing, intrepid, fearless character of the captain will always lead to where the conflict is fiercest. Since the above was written, Capt. Harman’s company has appeared in full dress parade, presenting an attractive and truly soldierly appearance. The soldiers themselves are not only Augusta men, but the cloth from which their uniforms were made was manufactured at the Wollen Factory of Messrs. Crawford & Co. at this place. The County Court made an appropriation of $3,000 to equip the company, but the actual cost will not amount to more than from $300 to $500. Such an example of economy is worthy of imitation. Augusta can well trust such with her credit and her honor. Natchez Daily CourierA patriotic suggestion.The suggestion thrown out in the following communication of Dr. Schuppert will commend itself to the patriotism of every woman, young and old, in the State: To the Editors of the True Delta: Dear Sirs: War seeming to be inevitable, I would suggest an appeal to the well-known patriotism of the ladies of this city and the country at large, to furnish the military stores with an implement of great importance to the active surgeons of the army–we mean “charple,” or picked lint, of which there are not fifty pounds to be found, even if you would buy out all the drug stores of the city of New Orleans. The lint, which is commonly used as a surrogate for dressing wounds, does not come up at all to the purpose it is required for in actual warfare; besides, it is a costly article. The charple, as used in the French and German armies, is prepared out of old worn-out shirts and sheets, which are commonly thrown away. We would, therefore, say: “Save the pieces;” cut them in squares of 4 or 5 inches, pick them, and the required article is prepared. If it is sweet to bleed for the country, it is not less sweet to know that the wounds will be dressed properly; moreover, by the handwork of our mothers and sisters. Respectfully, M. Schuppert, M.D. Memphis Daily AppealPensacola Correspondence.Camp Davis, near Pensacola, Florida, April 19, 1861. Editors Appeal: Nothing of great importance has transpired since my last letter, and the reception of this epistle will assure you that I am still alive and kicking. . . . For several days past we have had some mess beef that was not very appetizing, and to-day a large funeral procession was seen to move off from the camp of the tenth regiment, and we all went over to see who was dead, of course. We found a large lot of pickled beef and a grave newly dug. When we came up we found many mourners. The Episcopal service was read, and pine tops strewn over the grave. All the black cravats and black coats that could be procured were used on the occasion, and with drums muffled, and arms reversed, the ill-fated beef was consigned to mother earth. A large ship cracker marks the spot, while a board monument is all that remains, with the inscription, “Strong in life, and in death still stronger.” We received the beautiful banner sent us by Messrs. Speed, Donoho & Strange, and appreciate it very highly indeed, and a guard has been selected to defend it, in whose hands they may rest assured that it will be borne bravely forward, “A signal of conquest, or a shroud for the brave.” Our mothers, our sisters, our sweet-hearts, and all, shall hail it triumphant or weep o’er our fall. Martial law has been proclaimed here for the present. More anon, Wm. L. Lundy. Diary of a Yankee in the Patent Officeby Horatio Nelson Taft FRIDAY 26—This has been a fine day and one of much excitement in the City. I was at the Pat office as usual when I heard Martial Music and immediately the Rhode Island Regiment with Gov Sprague at their head marched in at the East Wing and up into the large Hall as their quarters. About 2000 have arrived today, and a large number are expected tomorrow. Was at “Willards” tonight, a great crowd. Saw the first trophy of the war — a Secession flag taken over at Arlington in V.a. without any opposition. It is now near 11 o’clock. A Rebel War Clerk’s Diaryby John Beauchamp Jones April 26th — To-day I recognize Northern merchants and Jews in the streets, busy in collecting the debts due them. The Convention has thrown some impediments in the way; but I hear on every hand that Southern merchants, in the absence of legal obligations, recognize the demands of honor, and are sending money North, even if it be used against us. This will not last long.
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