Other investigations
have concluded that, while equipment failures initiated the event, the
fundamental cause of the accident was "operator error." It is pointed out
that if the operators (or those who supervised them) had kept the
emergency cooling systems on through the early stages of the accident, Three Mile
Island would
have been limited to a relatively insignificant incident. While we agree
that this statement is true, we also feel that it does not speak to the
fundamental causes of the accident.
Let us consider some
of the factors that significantly contributed to operator confusion.
First of all, it is
our conclusion that the training of TMI operators was greatly deficient.
While training may have been adequate for the operation of a plant under
normal circumstances, insufficient attention was paid to possible serious
accidents. And the depth of understanding, even of senior reactor
operators, left them unprepared to deal with something as confusing as the
circumstances in which they found themselves.
Second, we found that
the specific operating procedures, which were applicable to this accident,
are at least very confusing and could be read in such a way as to lead the
operators to take the incorrect actions they did.
Third, the lessons
from previous accidents did not result in new, clear instructions being
passed on to the operators. Both points are illustrated in the following
case history.
A senior engineer of
the Babcock & Wilcox Company (suppliers of the nuclear steam system) noted
in an earlier accident, bearing strong similarities to the one at Three Mile Island,
that operators had mistakenly turned off the emergency cooling system. He
pointed out that we were lucky that the circumstances under which this
error was committed did not lead to a serious accident and warned that
under other circumstances (like those that would later exist at Three Mile
Island), a very serious accident could result. He urged, in the strongest
terms, that clear instructions be passed on to the operators. This
memorandum was written 13 months before the accident at Three Mile Island,
but no new instructions resulted from it. The Commission's investigation
of this incident, and other similar incidents within B&W and the NRC,
indicates that the lack of understanding that led the operators to
incorrect action existed both within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and
within the utility and its suppliers.
We find that there is
a lack of "closure" in the system -- that is important safety issues are
frequently raised and may be studied to some degree of depth, but are not
carried through to resolution; and the lessons learned from these studies
do not reach those individuals and agencies that most need to know about
them. This was true in the B&W incident described above, it was true about
various warnings within NRC that inappropriate operator actions could
result in the case of certain small-break accidents, and it was true in
several examples of questions raised in connection with licensing
procedures that were not followed to their conclusion by the NRC staff.
There are many other
examples mentioned in our report that indicate the lack of attention to
the human factor in nuclear safety. We note only one more (a fourth)
example. The control room, through which the operation of the TMI-2 plant
is carried out, is lacking in many ways. The control panel is huge, with
hundreds of alarms, and there are some key indicators placed in locations
where the operators cannot see them. There is little evidence of the
impact of modern information technology within the control room. In spite
of this, this control room might be adequate for the normal operation of
nuclear power plants.
However, it is
seriously deficient under accident conditions. During the first few
minutes of the accident, more than 100 alarms went off, and there was no
system for suppressing the unimportant signals so that operators could
concentrate on the significant alarms. Information was not presented in a
clear and sufficiently understandable form; for example, although the
pressure and temperature within the reactor coolant system were shown,
there was no direct indication that the combination of pressure and
temperature meant that the cooling water was turning into steam. Overall,
little attention had been paid to the interaction between human beings and
machines under the rapidly changing and confusing circumstances of an
accident. Perhaps these design failures were due to a concentration on the
large-break accidents -- which do not allow time for significant operator
action -- and the design ignored the needs of operators during a slowly
developing small-break (TMI-type) accident. While some of us may favor a
complete modernization of control rooms, we are all agreed that a
relatively few and not very expensive improvements in the control room
could have significantly facilitated the management of the accident.
In conclusion, while
the major factor that turned this incident into a serious accident was
inappropriate operator action, many factors contributed to the action of
the operators, such as deficiencies in their training, lack of clarity in
their operating procedures, failure of organizations to learn the proper
lessons from previous incidents, and deficiencies in the design of the
control room. These shortcomings are attributable to the utility, to
suppliers of equipment, and to the federal commission that regulates
nuclear power. Therefore -- whether or not operator error "explains" this
particular case -- given all the above deficiencies, we are convinced that
an accident like Three Mile Island was
eventually inevitable.