Another area of our
investigation dealt with the questions of whether various agencies made
adequate preparations for an emergency and whether their responses to the
emergency were satisfactory. Our finding is negative on both questions.
We are disturbed both
by the highly uneven quality of emergency plans and by the problems
created by multiple jurisdictions in the case of a radiation emergency.
Most emergency plans rely on prompt action at the local level to initiate
a needed evacuation or to take other protective action. We found an almost
total lack of detailed plans in the local communities around Three Mile Island. It
is one of the many ironies of this event that the most relevant planning
by local authorities took place during the accident. In an accident in
which prompt defensive steps are necessary within a matter of hours,
insufficient advance planning could prove extremely dangerous.
We favor the
centralization of emergency planning and response in a single agency at
the federal level with close coordination between it and state and local
agencies. Such agencies would need expert input from many other
organizations, but there should be a single agency that has the
responsibility both for assuring that adequate planning takes place and
for taking charge of the response to the emergency. This will require
organizational changes, since the agencies now best organized to deal with
emergencies tend to have most of their experience with such events as
floods and storms, rather than with radiological events. And, insofar as
radiological events require steps that go beyond those in a normal
emergency, careful additional planning is needed.
A central concept in
the current siting policy of the NRC is that reactors should be located in
a "low population zone" (LPZ), an area around the plant in which
appropriate protective action could be taken for the residents in the
event of an accident. However, this concept is implemented in a strange,
unnatural, and round-about manner. To determine the size of the LPZ, the
utility calculates the amount of radiation released in a very serious
hypothetical accident. Using geographical and meteorological data, the
utility then calculates that area within which an individual would receive
25,000 millirems or more to the whole body, during the entire course of
the accident. This area is the LPZ. The 25,000-millirem standard is an
extremely large dose, many times more serious than that received by any
individual during the entire TMI accident.
The LPZ approach has
serious shortcomings. First, because of the extremely large dose by which
its size is determined, the LPZs for many nuclear power plants are
relatively small areas, 2 miles in the case of TMI. Second, if an accident
as serious as the one used to calculate the LPZ were actually to occur, it
is evident that many people living outside the LPZ would receive smaller,
but still massive doses of radiation. Third, the TMI accident shows that
the LPZ has little relevance to the protection of the public -- the NRC
itself was considering evacuation distances as far as 20 miles, even
though the accident was far less serious than those postulated during
siting. We have therefore concluded that the entire concept is flawed.
We recommend that the
LPZ concept be abandoned in siting and in emergency planning. A variety of
possible accidents should be considered during siting, particularly
"smaller" accidents which have a higher probability of occurring. For each
such accident, one should calculate probable levels of radiation releases
at a variety of distances to decide the kinds of protective action that
are necessary and feasible. Such protective actions may range from
evacuation of an area near the plant, to the distribution of potassium
iodide to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine, to a simple
instruction to people several miles from the plant to stay indoors for a
specified period of time. Only such an analysis can predict the true
consequences of a radiological incident and determine whether a particular
site is suitable for a nuclear power plant. Similarly, emergency plans
should have built into them a variety of responses to a variety of
possible kinds of accidents. State and local agencies must be prepared
with the appropriate response once information is available on the nature
of an accident and its likely levels of releases.
The response to the
emergency was dominated by an atmosphere of almost total confusion. There
was lack of communication at all levels. Many key recommendations were
made by individuals who were not in pos- session of accurate information,
and those who managed the accident were slow to realize the significance
and implications of the events that had taken place. While we have
attempted to address these shortcomings in our recommendations, it is
important to reiterate the fundamental philosophy we stated above: One
must do everything possible to prevent accidents of this seriousness, but
at the same time assume that such an accident may occur and be prepared
for response to the resulting emergency. The fact that too many
individuals and organizations were not aware of the dimensions of serious
accidents at nuclear power plants accounts for a great deal of the lack of
preparedness and the poor quality of the response.