Report Of The President's Commission On
The Accident At Three Mile Island           > TMI-2 > Kemeny

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The Commission

Senior Staff







The Accident


Commission Findings:


1.  Based on available dosimetric and demographic information:

a.  It is estimated that between March 28 and April 15, the collective dose resulting from the radioactivity released to the population living within a 50-mile radius of the plant was approximately 2,000 person-reins. The estimated annual collective dose to this population from natural background radiation is about 240,000 person-rems. Thus, the increment of radiation dose to persons living within a 50-mile radius due to the accident was somewhat less than one percent of the annual background level. The average dose to a person living within 5 miles of the nuclear plant was calculated to be about 10 percent of annual background radiation and probably was less.

b.  The maximum estimated radiation dose received by any one individual in the off-site general population (excluding the plant workers) during the accident was 70 millirems. On the basis of present scientific knowledge, the radiation doses received by the general population as a result of exposure to the radioactivity released during the accident were so small that there will be no detectable additional cases of cancer, developmental abnormalities, or genetic ill-health as a consequence of the accident at TMI.

c.  During the period from March 28 to June 30, three TMI workers received radiation doses of about 3 to 4 rems; these levels exceeded the MRC maximum permissible quarterly dose of 3 rems.

d.  The process of recovery and cleanup presents additional sources of possible radiation exposure to the workers and the general population.

2.  There were deficiencies in instrumentation for measuring the radioactivity released, particularly during the early stages of the accident. However, these deficiencies did not affect the Commission staff's ability to estimate the radiation doses or health effects resulting from the accident.

 3.  The health effects of radiation dose levels of a few rems or less are not known. Estimates of the potential health effects of the TMI accident are based on extrapolations from the known health effects of higher levels of radiation.

4.  The major health effect of the accident appears to have been on the mental health of the people living in the region of Three Mile Island and of the workers at TMI. There was immediate, short-lived mental distress produced by the accident among certain groups of the general population living within 20 miles of TMI. The highest levels of distress were found among adults a) living within 5 miles of TMI, or b) with preschool children; and among teenagers a) living within 5 miles of TMI, b) with preschool siblings, or c) whose families left the area. Workers at TMI experienced more distress than workers at another plant studied for comparison purposes. This distress was higher among the nonsupervisory employees and continued in the months following the accident.