The President asked us
to investigate whether the public's right to information during the
emergency was well served. Our conclusion is again in the negative.
However, here there were many different causes, and it is both harder to
assign proper responsibility and more difficult to come up with
appropriate recommendations. There were serious problems with the sources
of information, with how this information was conveyed to the press, and
also with the way the press reported what it heard.
We do not find that
there was a systematic attempt at a "cover-up" by the sources of
information. Some of the official news sources were themselves confused
about the facts and there were major disagreements among officials. On the
first day of the accident, there was an attempt by the utility to minimize
its significance, in spite of substantial evidence that it was serious.
Later that week, NRC was the source of exaggerated stories. Due to
misinformation, and in one case (the hydrogen bubble) through the
commission of scientific errors, official sources would make statements
about radiation already released (or about the imminent likelihood of
releases of major amounts of radiation) that were not justified by the
facts -- at least not if the facts had been correctly understood. And NRC
was slow in confirming good news about the hydrogen bubble. On the other
hand, the estimated extent of the damage to the core was not fully
revealed to the public.
A second set of
problems arose from the manner in which the facts were presented to the
press. Some of those who briefed the press lacked the technical expertise
to explain the events and seemed to be cut off from those who could have
provided this expertise. When those who did have the knowledge spoke,
their statements were often couched in "jargon" that was very difficult
for the press to understand. The press was further disturbed by the fact
that, in order to cut down on the amount of confusion, a number of
potential sources of information were instructed not to give out
information. While this cut down on the amount of confusion, it flew in
the face of the long tradition of the press of checking facts with
multiple sources.
Many factors
contributed to making this event one of the most heavily covered media
events ever. Given these circumstances, the media generally attempted to
give a balanced presentation which would not contribute to an escalation
of panic. There were, however, a few notable examples of irresponsible
reporting and some of the visual images used in the reporting tended to be
Another severe problem
was that even personnel representing the major national news media often
did not have sufficient scientific and engineering background to
understand thoroughly what they heard, and did not have available to them
people to explain the information. This problem was most serious in the
reporting of the various releases of radiation and the explanation of the
severity (or lack of severity) of these releases. Many of the stories were
so garbled as to make them useless as a source of information.
We therefore conclude
that, while the extent of the coverage was justified, a combination of
confusion and weakness in the sources of information and lack of
understanding on the part of the media resulted in the public being poorly
In considering the
handling of information during the nuclear accident, it is vitally
important to remember the fear with respect to nuclear energy that exists
in many human beings. The first application of nuclear energy was to
atomic bombs which destroyed two major Japanese cities. The fear of
radiation has been with us ever since and is made worse by the fact that,
unlike floods or tornadoes, we can neither hear nor see nor smell
radiation. Therefore, utilities engaged in the operation of nuclear power
plants, and news media that may cover a possible nuclear accident, must
make extraordinary preparation for the accurate and sensitive handling of
There is a natural
conflict between the public's right to know and the need of disaster
managers to concentrate on their vital tasks without distractions. There
is no simple resolution for this conflict. But significant advance
preparation can alleviate the problem. It is our judgment that in this
case, neither the utility nor the NRC nor the media were sufficiently
prepared to serve the public well.