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Skedaddle — the e-journal |
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Issue 1861—20 |
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Issue 20 April 28, 1861New York HeraldThe News.The Fifth Regiment leaves this morning for Washington, and will parade eight hundred men, fully armed and equipped. The regimental line is to be formed in the camp on the Battery at nine o’clock, and, after review and inspection, the regiment will march up Broadway to Cortlandt street, and thence to the steamship Kedar. Two hundred recruits, left behind for the present, will be speedily equipped and sent after them. The Fire Brigade Zouaves had not received there arms at a late hour last night, and probably will not leave today. In the event of their doing so, however, our readers will ascertain the line of march in another column. British volunteers are being organized in to companies in various parts of this State. Troy is doing her best to get up one of a hundred men, under Capt. Howe. A daily passenger line is in operation between Philadelphia and Washington, via. Annapolis, leaving Philadelphia at half past one P.M. From Missouri we learn that the secession movement was gaining ground rapidly in that State. The feeling is said to be overwhelming in Beaton, Henry and St. Clair counties. Judge Retts of the United Stated District Court; desired it to be understood that his Court is open daily for business, notwithstanding the rumor that it would be closed in consequence of his son, the Chief Clerk, and Lieutenant Colonel of the Zouaves, proceeding to the war. The Board of Aldermen held a special meeting last evening, which it was naturally thought would elicit something about the war feeling. The only matters of interest, however, that appeared, were a communication from the Union Defence Committee, and an indication of a little municipal war, such as democratic Tuomey threatening to shell the Fort Sumter of republican Dayton’s nasal organ. Telegraphic communication with Baltimore is re-established. The office at Baltimore is under State surveillance, and no messages for Washington are permitted to pass except those of a private or mercantile character. The West And The War.MINNESOTA. At Red Win a company was organized last week; at St. Anthony a full company has been enrolled; at Stillwater, a company is nearly completed, and at St. Paul one company is completed and have elected their officers, and another was to have had the necessary complement by last Monday evening. Other companies are organizing all over the State. The great West is looking up their forces. MICHIGAN TROOPS. There are twenty eight companies in this State that have, up to our latest advices, volunteered their services for the war. Five filed their muster rolls with the Adjutant General before Tuesday, viz:—Detroit Light Guard, Scott Guard, Michigan Hussars and Sherlock Guard, of Detroit, and the Coldwater Cadets of Coldwater. The other companies were organizing rapidly and are by this time doubtless ready for service. The Scott guard are ready and very impatient for service, their muster roll being the second filed with the Adjutant. The war spirit in Detroit city and all over the State is very enthusiastic. An immense crowd were present to witness the raising of the national flag over the dome of the City Hall at Detroit on Thursday afternoon. Gen. Lewis Cass presided on the occasion. A notice to form the First regiment was issued at headquarters on the 23rd, and the Adjutant has since issued orders for the organization of the second one. INDIANA. This State has been and still is raising a large body of troops, for active service at the seat of war, and for home defence. Mr. Ford, who served under General Twiggs in the Mexican war, is engaged in raising volunteers for the support of the government. Evansville, Warren and other places are doing well. The requisition for sixty companies is filled, and there are fifty one companies more than called for offered. WISCONSIN. The Commander in Chief has ordered out ten companies into the First regiment of this State. The companies are raised from Madison, Milwaukee, Kenosha, Beloit and Horicon. Other companies are reported full, and a still greater number are organizing rapidly. Hon. A. Randall is Commander in Chief. Zouave regiments are forming rapidly. CINCINNATI AND OHIO. The latest advices from Columbus give a list of twenty six companies already registered for service. These alone, will form nearly three regiments. Artillery and cavalry companies are organizing quickly in Cincinnati, and a very powerful home guard is rapidly forming. The troops are already in camp. ILLINOIS. The rendezvous for the troops of this State is about a mile outside the city of Springfield. The County Fair grounds are quite a military camp. A large body of troops are already assembled, and companies are daily arriving. Eight companies arrived there on Thursday. All over this State the war spirit is as enthusiastic as in New York. Chicago has been and still is hard at work in the cause. KANSAS. Kansas is turning out her troops bravely. Several companies are reported…—one hundred strong. Germans, French and other nationalities are organizing and tendering their services. Kansas will do more than furnish her quota. THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI AND OHIO RIVER. The St. Louis Democrat of the 24th inst. says:— A gentleman connected with one of the Northern line of packets, which arrived yesterday, handed us a communication, from which we take the following:— The whole upper country is aroused and making preparations to sustain the government and all parties are merged into one. The stirring sound of the fife and drum is echoing from shore to shore throughout the Mississippi Valley. It is one unanimous recruiting station for the upholding of the laws and defence of the honor of the country. Large quantities of grain are upon the banks awaiting shipment to Milwaukee and Chicago. They are afraid to ship to St. Louis. We add a portion of the report of the trip of the steamer, Denmark:— Tuesday, 18th at four P.M., left St. Paul. River rising slowly. The war news excludes all other topics, and produced a very unfavorable effect upon shipments. Large quantities of grain, destined for St. Louis and the South, have been sent to Milwaukee and Chicago, and other lots are held back for further developments. Shippers fear the secession of Missouri. The consequence of such a step would be suicidal to Missouri, and they wonder that men are so blind as not to foresee that fact, and do their best to keep her in the Union. The falling off in shipments, and derangement in currency, render steamboating a very unprofitable and unpleasant business. We commend the above developements to the consideration of those who forget that there is a North. Let those in favor of secession pause and reflect. According to a statement in the Cincinnati Enquirer of Wednesday, the Indiana and Ohio troops now mustering into service are intended for operations in the Western Division of the army, and will not come East. The Enquirer says:—A despatch from Louisville states that one thousand troops are at Cairo, and that four thousand additional are expected soon. We have no reason to doubt the truth of that. We understand that the Indiana troops now at Indianapolis have received orders to march and their destination is West. We also learn that no more of the Ohio troops will be sent East, and that those now at Columbus will be sent West. From the givings out we suppose the object of the gathering at Cairo is to blockade the Mississippi, so as to prevent all boats passing down which shall contain provisions or warlike stores. That will tell seriously on St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. The Theatre in War Time.We have noticed that during the prevailing war excitement the theatres and other places of public amusement are quite deserted. The Opera singers have become mute, concerts have been indefinitely postponed, and two of the principal Broadway theatres—Niblo’s and Wallack—will close their seasons this week. One of the managers, Mr. Fox, of the Bowery, has already gone off to the wars, and several privates in the Thespian ranks have followed his example. During the war of 1812, and the brush with Mexico, the player fold were always patriotic, some enlisting in the regular line, and others, forming themselves into small companies, hovered in the rear of the army, acting or fighting, as occasion seemed to demand. Undoubtedly the dramatic profession is one which inspires noble sentiments and stimulates public virtue, and this must naturally be the case with the performers as well as the public. We have no doubt, then, that our Thespians, finding their immediate occupation gone for the present will be glad to take parts in the drama of real life now being enacted hereabouts, and will, therefore, be off to the wars without unnecessary delay. Special Newspaper Train.Special newspaper trains will start early this morning, and every Sunday morning, during the war, over the Hudson River Railroad to Albany, and over the New Haven road, to New Haven. They will carry the latest news from the seat of war. Mr. Shears runs the Albany train, and Mr. Thompson the New Haven train. The Situation of Affairs.Washington is now garrisoned by 18,000 troops. All the regiments despatched from the North have arrived there safely. New York sent the Seventh, Seventy first, Twelfth, Sixth, Sixty ninth and Eighth; Brooklyn, the Thirteenth; Albany, the Twenty fifth—each a thousand strong; while Massachusetts sent her two regiments, the Seventh and Eighth, numbering two thousand. The Twenty eighth, Brooklyn regiment, leaves today by the Kedar, and the Fifth (German) regiment, now in camp at the Battery, together with the Zouaves (firemen’s caps), each a thousand strong, also start for the seat of war today. The concentration of this large force renders the federal capital secure. The latest reliable reports represent a complete reaction of feeling in Maryland, thus confirming the news of yesterday that the Union sentiment was taking courage and acquiring strength. In Baltimore, as well as in other parts of the State, the Stars and Stripes were hoisted in various buildings. The message of Governor Hicks to the legislature, which has just assembled at Frederick, impresses upon that body the necessity of Maryland remaining neutral as the only hope of safety; but while this sentiment is indicative of a friendly disposition towards the Union, it is manifestly absurd that a mere condition of neutrality on the part of any State can be accepted in the present crisis. The Senate has also issued an address to the people of Maryland, declaring that the Legislature will not pass an act of secession; but if they believe that the people desire it, they will give them an opportunity of declaring for themselves their future destiny. Such, then, is the present position of Maryland. Delaware has taken a still more decisive position for the Union. Governor Burton has issued a proclamation stating that as Delaware has no regular militia, or no Militia laws, it cannot be compelled to place troops under the authority of the general government, but at the same time he advises the raising of volunteers, who may, if they choose, tender their services to the government. From Virginia we have intelligence that General Harper, the commander of the State troops at Harper’s Ferry, has declared as the sentiment of Governor Letcher, that Virginia will permit no invasion of Washington for her soil. Amongst our other dispatches, we publish the report that the Secretary of War, General Cameron, has asked for an armistice of sixty days from Governor Letcher; but it is unnecessary to say that this statement is on the face of it absurd. The news from Kentucky confirms the previous reports of her intentions to remain neutral in the contest. The troops which left Louisville to join the army of the Confederate States, it appears, was not furnished with arms by the State, nor had they the sanction of Governor Magoffin for the proceedings. In Missouri, too, although the Governor refused to furnish men in response to the President’s proclamation, the quota of volunteers has been raised for the service of the United States government. General Harney, of the United States Army, who was on his way to Washington from the West, to report himself at headquarters, was arrested yesterday by the Virginia troops on the train from Wheeling to Harper’s Ferry, and held as a prisoner of war. It is very probable, however, that Governor Letcher, will release him, inasmuch as ex-Senator Mason, of Virginia, is now in Philadelphia, transacting some private business, in the process of which he has not been molested; but if General Harney is detained in custody, the Philadelphians might be tempted to make a reprisal in the person of Mr. Mason. The Montgomery Congress meets tomorrow, and as the proposition of Jefferson Davis with regard to establishing a system of privateering is to be then considered, and the members are by this time satisfied as to the general feeling of the entire North in favor of sustaining the government, the proceedings of the session will be highly interesting. There is no abatement in the warlike ardor which animates all classes in this city and throughout the Northern States. Men and money are still pouring in rapidly for the service of the government at Washington. The Common Council has voted a million and a half of dollars for this purpose, the Board of Supervisors a quarter of a million, and private subscriptions to the amount of $390,000 have already bee contributed in this city alone—making a total of $2,140,000—not a mere loan, but a free gift to the government, without interest or return of principal. Throughout the entire North, up to this time, not less than millions of dollars have thus been contributed — a fact which very plainly indicates the strength of feeling in favor of maintaining the United States government against its enemies. Memphis Daily AppealNorth Carolina.We are informed that the free colored population of our town are ready and willing to do anything that they may be called upon to do in the present emergency. This is the proper spirit. Let them act up to it and they will be fully protected and provided for. A number went down to the forts this morning. More will go to-morrow. We learn that in Newburn the free colored population have also volunteered their services. We learn that Fayeteville is as much a unit in the cause as Wilmington. We are but one people now. We understand that the same feeling prevails in Raleigh.—Wilmington Journal. Diary of a Yankee in the Patent Officeby Horatio Nelson Taft SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1861.—Rainy all the forepart of the day. Attended church with wife and the boys. Went and returned in the rain. Mr Haws of Lyons Iowa returned with us and dined with us. Chas also dined with us. Did not go out again till evening. Went down to Willards with Willie for a walk. The Band of the 7th Regt were performing at Willards Hall the National airs. More soldiers came today. We feel entirely safe from attack now from without. Famine may attack us within. Beef 20 cts. pr pound now and all provisions much advanced in price.
A Rebel War Clerk’s Diaryby John Beauchamp Jones April 28th—Saw Judge Scarburg, who has resigned his seat in the Court of Claims at Washington. I believe he brought his family, and abandoned his furniture, etc. Also Dr. Garnett, who left most of his effects in the hands of the enemy. He was a marked man, being the son-in-law of Gov. Wise. Many clerks are passing through the city on their way to Montgomery, where they are sure to find employment. Lucky men, some of them! They have eaten Lincoln bread for more than a month, and most of them would have been turned out of offce if there had been no secession. And I observe among them some who have left their wives behind to take care of their homes.
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