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Skedaddle — the e-journal |
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Issue 1861—20 |
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Issue 20 April 29, 1861Chronological History of the Civil War
New York HeraldThe News.The Fireman Zouaves, under the command of Col. Ellsworth, did not leave the city yesterday, as announced, in consequence of the men not being fully armed and equipped. Large delegations of the Fire Departments of this city, Brooklyn and Jersey city, assembled to take leave of their comrades, but from the cause above stated were disappointed. It is now positively announced that they will leave for the seat of war today. Mr. C. J. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia, has suggested that Ex-Presidents Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, Tyler and Van Buren, become arbitrators to settle the existing difficulties between the North and South. By a despatch from Annapolis we learn that on Saturday night the Tenth Company of the Eighth Massachusetts regiment, in a steamtug, cut out the receiving ship Alleghany in Baltimore harbor, and placed her under the guns of Fort McHenry. The war was the topic discussed in every pulpit of the city yesterday, and the clergy of all denominations, in their prayers, offered up a petition that the horrors of war might be softened, if not averted. In consequence of the pressure upon our columns, we are compelled to exclude all the reports of sermons. Rev. Mathew Hale Smith, Chaplain of the Twelfth regiment, who sent with the regiment, and returned in the Baltic, preached in the chapel Thirty fourth street and Broadway. Impressive religious services were held at the camp, in Castle Garden, yesterday. Among the preachers on the war was the Rev. James Freeman Clarke, of Boston, before the Second Unitarian Congregational Society, at the chapel, corner of Clinton and Congress streets. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher preached a sermon in favor of sustaining the Union and constitution. In stirring terms he called upon his congregation to uphold the government, and suggested that the Plymouth church volunteers should be effectively armed with revolvers. Situation of Affairs.Everything appears to go on favorably at the seat of war. The Northern troops in Washington are in good health and spirits. The Fifth regiment of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts regiments attended divine service yesterday in the Hall of Representatives, the bands supplying the sacred music on the occasion. The steamer City of Richmond, plying between Richmond and Philadelphia, was seized at the former port on the 18th, and a force of Virginia troops placed on board; but the captain subsequently obtained her release from Governor Letcher, and she arrived at Philadelphia yesterday, with the crews of the New York steamers Jamestown and Yorktown, 60 men, and 120 passengers. Large bodies of troops are said by the Richmond papers to be raising in all parts of Virginia and North Carolina, that batteries are being erected at Portsmouth Hospital and Craney Island, mounted with Dahlgren guns, and that five volunteer companies from Georgia had arrived at Portsmouth. The ladies of Virginia, it appears, are following the example of their sisters at the North, in manufacturing uniforms and clothing for the soldiers. Twelve thousand troops in all had reached Annapolis from the North up to Saturday, and it is stated that no more volunteers will be ordered unless they are fully equipped for service. It would appear that the preparations to receive the troops at Annapolis were very imperfect, and had not the weather been very mild, they would have suffered much. As it was, a thousand of them had to sleep in the open air on Friday night, and although there is abundance of provisions the commisariat was so badly managed that some of the troops were without food for twenty four hours. The Tenth Company of the Massachusetts Eighth regiment, under Captain Briggs, made a bold coup on Friday night. They started for Baltimore in a steamtug, cut out the receiving ship Alleghany, lying in the harbor, and anchored her safely under the sheltering guns of Fort McHenry. The road from Annapolis to Washington is well protected by government troops, large bodies of men being posted at intermediate stations, so as to repel all attacks of the secessionists and keep the way open for our troops to the capital. General Butler, of the Massachusetts forces, says that there is a musket guarding every rail between Annapolis and Washington, so that the communication with Washington may be considered intact. Meantime the Superintendent of the railroad has been arrested for taking up the rails. The President ordered the Secretary of War to take possession of the road from the Junction to Annapolis, and the road from Baltimore to York, Pa., known as the Northern and Central road. There appears to be a panic among the residents of Annapolis, arising from its occupation by the federal army, for half the population are said to have left the city. Baltimore and Washington are reported by travellers from those cities to be perfectly quiet and the regular lines of steamers are beginning to ply between the neighboring places. We learn from Philadelphia that a proposition to act as arbitrators in the quarrel between the North and South has been made by Mr. C. J. Ingersoll of that city, to the five ex-Presidents—Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, Tyler and Van Buren—from which fossil court of arbitration, we need hardly say, nothing is to be expected. Little more of importance reached us from the seat of war yesterday. Important from Annapolis.ANNAPOLIS, April 27—6 P.M. About twelve thousand troops in all have arrived at Annapolis. Three thousand from New York are expected tonight. I learn from good authority that no more troops will be ordered without complete preparation for service. The continued mild weather only saves great suffering. One thousand slept in the open air last night. There is plenty of provisions, but the Commissariat is badly organized. The supplies by the Kill Von Kull were timely, especially the tent cloth. Teams are in great demand for transport of medical stores. The brig of war Perry is stationed at the entrance of the harbor, and a fine park of artillery on the right. The tenth company of the Eighth Massachusetts regiment, Captain Briggs, in a steam tug, last night cut out the receiving ship Allegheny, in Baltimore harbor, and anchored her under Fort McHenry. General Butler says there is a musket guarding every rail between here and Washington. It is now the plan to place large bodies at intermediate stations. The Superintendent of the road was yesterday under arrest for taking up the rails. The Maryland Legislature is discussing the proposition to adjourn to Annapolis. It is expected to assemble here by Tuesday. The Legislature will not pass the ordinance of secession, but only arm the State. The professors of the Naval Academy await orders to Fort Adams, Newport, R. I. Steamers begin to ply to the neighboring places. Travellers from Washington and Baltimore report all quiet in those cities. Half the population of Annapolis have left the city. Charleston MercuryOur Montgomery Correspondence.MONTGOMERY, April 25, 1861. The crew of the steamship Star of the West arrived in this city last night, and will leave in the evening train for New York. They are very communicative, and manifest pleasure at the manner they have been treated during their journey through the Confederate States. Not a single unpleasant thing has occurred, nor a single indignity been offered them. They say the capture was effected on the 17th by a Texan force of ninety men under Capt. VAN BUREN, who came upon the steamer Rusk. After being taken on board their errand was made known to the astonished Captain, who submitted gracefully to a matter of necessity. The Captain of the Rusk then took command, and run the captured vessel into the harbor of Galveston, and from thence to New Orleans. The wages of the seamen, amounting in the aggregate to near $1800, have been paid by our Government, and the amazed but delighted seamen sent on their way rejoicing. The difficulties in the Second Volunteer Regiment of this State have been adjusted. The companies from Mobile have been added to it, which make the regiment better than before, as the new companies are among the best in the State. One of them (the Mobile Cadets) arrived this evening, and will go into camp here. The whole of the regiment are now prepared to march on Sunday morning for Lynchburg, Virginia. Gov. MOORE, who has been some days away, has now returned. It is rumored that he has a little matter of reprisal on hand which will attract some attention. Some time ago Gov. MOORE purchased a quantity of muskets in New York, to be paid for on delivery here, which were seized by the authorities North. Although there was no pecuniary loss, the detention of the arms was a matter of serious injury, and was, at the time, a procedure entirely uncalled for. Now it has been ascertained that there are four hundred bags of cotton in a warehouse in this city, belonging to parties in New York, and it is rumored these will be detained for the present. Last night a large crowd collected in front of the Exchange and commenced calling loudly for Mr. WIGFALL. It was sometime before he responded, but finally appeared, and instead of a speech, related the story of the Battle of Fort Sumter. Throughout the recital the vast crowd were perfectly silent and listened with almost breathless attention, except when they burst into hearty cheers at the mention of some gallant deed. The tale of the first battle was very interesting to us, and with hearts swelling with emotion, we listened to how the federal flag was lowered in the presence of State sovereignty. I have positive information that vessels ladened exclusively with cotton will be exempt from seizure, and that this rule will be maintained by our Government. A large revenue being derived from the export of cotton, it will be the policy of the Government to protect the exportation, and encourage it as far as possible. If any other articles of commerce are found on board, the vessel will be liable to seizure. The Hon. HENRY. W. HILLIARD goes to Tennessee tonight, as Commissioner to that State from our Government. A young artillery officer, lately from West Point, goes with him to organize artillery regiments for the Confederate Army. The ‘Tigh Block,’ which I wrote you some time ago had been selected for the Postoffice Department, is now finished, and has been taken possession of today. Judge REAGAN has worked away industriously, and now has the department so organized that no serious inconvenience would be experienced, should the mails be cut off by the present contractors. Circulars are prepared, which will be issued to postmasters, route agents and others, connected with the transportation of mails, as soon as necessary. In view of the convening of Congress on the 29th the city is again filling with strangers and the hotels crowded with guests. Unless already engaged, it will be almost impossible to obtain desirable lodgings in town. The strong probability that the Capital will be removed to Richmond, Virginia, or a least to some place further North than this, will, I presume, prevent the erection of the mammoth hotel which has already been planned and projected. As I predicted some time ago, when speaking of postal affairs, a Convention of railroad presidents has been called, who meet in this city tomorrow. They will take into consideration the transportation of mails and of troops. Three from South Carolina arrived today. Lieut. WILLIS WILKINSON, of the South Carolina Army, has been appointed Second Lieutenant of Artillery in the Confederate Army, and JOHN ALEXANDER KEITT, Second Lieutenant in Infantry. Both these gentlemen are from South Carolina. It is rumored here that Gen. BRAGG has asked for two thousand additional men to guard the city of Pensacola. It is feared an effort may be made to land men there to attack Gen. BRAGG’S force in the rear. The movements of the Flying Artillery now on Santa Rosa Island indicate this. I give it as a rumor. TROUP. Major Robt. AndersonMAJOR ROBT. ANDERSON has made it a point at every stopping place at the North, to complain of our treatment in firing on Sumter after the Barracks were enveloped in flames. Did anybody prevent him pulling down his dirty stripes? And why is it that he has not told Northern people that he had a 10 inch Columniad planted on the Parade Ground at Fort Sumter, at an elevation sufficient to enable him to throw a 10 inch shell into the crowd of unarmed citizens, and helpless women, whom he knew full well would congregate in White Point Garden at the firing of the first gun. This is not a rumor the gun has been seen, the elevation and direction have been noticed, and by his own acknowledgment, and that of his officers, the guns in exposed places could not be worked without the certainty of destruction; so our mothers, wives and sisters have not been slaughtered, because our guns kept him in his casemates. This is the brave man who was supplied with fresh meat, vegetables, &c., &c., and was thought by some to be a friend. Morris Island.The general appearance of this now well known and famous island has been greatly changed since the 13th April. The batteries bearing on Sumter have been removed, and many other arrangements warranted by our possession of Fort Sumter, have been completed. The 17th Regiment, Col. JOHN CUNNINGHAM, will return to the city today, and the remnant of Col. GREGG’S (1st Regiment South Carolina Volunteers) command will be honorably discharged, they having served within a few weeks of their term. We learn that some of the men will proceed to Virginia. Fort Sumter is reported to be in fighting order. For general information, it may be as well to say that it will not cost half a million of dollars to put it in perfect order, as was reported by an officer of the late garrison. Diary of a Yankee in the Patent Officeby Horatio Nelson Taft MONDAY 29—This has been a pleasant day and quite an exciting one on account of the movements of the Military. The bal. of the RI Regt came today and the whole were reviewed by the Prest, Genl Scott, and the Cabinet officers. Myself and wife, Julia and Willie, were in the East Room. The boys were with the two Lincoln boys riding until the review was nearly over. Self & Julia were introduced to Gov Sprague, Col Burnside, and other officers of the RI Regt by Surgeon Genl Wheaton at the Pat office. Came home about dark from Willards, some weary. A Rebel War Clerk’s Diaryby John Beauchamp Jones April 29th—I wrote to my agent on the Eastern Shore to send me the last year’s rent due on the farm. But I learn that the cruisers in the bay are intercepting the communications, and I fear remittances will be impracticable. I hope my family are ready by this to leave Burlington. Women and children have not yet been interfered with. What if they should be compelled to abandon our property there? Mrs. Semple had her plate seized at New York. At fifty-one, I can hardly follow the pursuit of arms; but I will write and preserve a DIARY of the revolution. I never held or sought office in my life; but now President Tyler and Gov. Wise say I will find employment at Montgomery. The latter will prepare a letter to President Davis, and the former says he will draw up a paper in my behalf, and take it through the Convention himself for signatures. I shall be sufficiently credentialed, at all events — provided old partisan considerations are banished from the new confederacy. To make my DIARY full and complete as possible, is now my business. And,
“When the hurly-burly’s
done, if the South wins it, I shall be content to retire to my farm, provided it falls on the Southern side of the line, and enjoy sweet repose “under my own vine and fig-tree.”
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