Report Of The President's Commission On
The Accident At Three Mile Island           > TMI-2 > Kemeny

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The Commission

Senior Staff







The Accident


Commission Recommendations


1.  The Commission recommends the establishment of expanded and better coordinated health-related radiation effects research. This research should include, but not be limited to:

a.  biological effects of low levels of ionizing radiation;

b.  acceptable levels of exposure to ionizing radiation for the general population and for workers;

c.  development of methods of monitoring and surveillance, including epidemiologic surveillance to monitor and determine the consequences of exposure to radiation of various population groups, including workers;

d.  development of approaches to mitigate adverse health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation; and

e.  genetic or environmental factors that predispose individuals to increased susceptibility to adverse effects.

This effort should be coordinated under the National Institutes of Health -- with an interagency committee of relevant federal agencies to establish the agenda for research efforts -- including the commitment of a portion of the research budget to meet the specific needs of the restructured NRC.

2.  To ensure the best available review of radiation-related health issues, including reactor siting issues, policy statements or regulations in that area of the restructured NRC should be subject to mandatory review and comment by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. A time limit for the review should be established to assure such review is performed in an expeditious manner.

3.  The Commission recommends, as a state and local responsibility, an increased program for educating health professionals and emergency response personnel in the vicinity of nuclear power plants.

4.  Utilities must make sufficient advance preparation for the mitigation of emergencies:

a.  Radiation monitors should be available for monitoring of routine operations as well as accident levels.

b.  The emergency control center for health-physics operations and the analytical laboratory to be used in emergencies should be located in a well-shielded area supplied with uncontaminated air.

c.  There must be a sufficient health-related supply of instruments, respirators, and other necessary equipment for both routine and emergency conditions.

d.  There should be an adequate maintenance program for all such health-related equipment.

5.  An adequate supply of the radiation protective (thyroid blocking) agent, potassium iodide for human use, should be available regionally for distribution to the general population and workers affected by a radiological emergency.