Report Of The President's Commission On
The Accident At Three Mile Island           > TMI-2 > Kemeny

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The Commission

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The Accident


Commission Recommendations


1.  Equipment should be reviewed from the point of view of providing information to operators to help them prevent accidents and to cope with accidents when they occur. Included might be instruments that can provide proper warning and diagnostic information; for example, the measurement of the full range of temperatures within the reactor vessel under normal and abnormal conditions, and indication of the actual position of valves. Computer technology should be used for the clear display for operators and shift supervisors of key measurements relevant to accident conditions, together with diagnostic warnings of conditions.

In the interim, consideration should be given to requiring, at TMI and similar plants, the grouping of these key measurements, including distinct warning signals on a single panel available to a specified operator and the providing of a duplicate panel of these key measurements and warnings in the shift supervisor's office.

2.  Equipment design and maintenance inadequacies noted at TMI   should be reviewed from the point of view of mitigating the consequences  of accidents. Inadequacies noted in the following should be corrected:  iodine filters, the hydrogen recombiner, the vent gas system, containment isolation, reading of water levels in the containment  isolation, reading of water levels in the containment area, radiation  monitoring in the containment building, and the capability to take and quickly analyze samples of containment atmosphere and water in various places. (See recommendation A.7.)                   :

3.  Monitoring instruments and recording equipment should be provided to record continuously all critical plant measurements and conditions.

4.  The Commission recommends that continuing in-depth studies should be initiated on the probabilities and consequences (on-site and off-site) of nuclear power plant accidents, including the consequences of meltdown.

a.  These studies should include a variety of small-break  j loss-of-coolant accidents and multiple-failure accidents, with particular attention to human failures.               

b.  Results of these studies should be used to help plan for recovery and cleanup following a major accident.

c.  From these studies may emerge desirable modifications in the design of plants that will help prevent accidents and mitigate their consequences. For example:

(i) Consideration should be given to equipment that would facilitate the controlled safe venting of hydrogen gas from the reactor cooling system.

(ii) Consideration should be given to overall gas-tight enclosure of the let-down/make-up system with the option of returning gases to the containment building.

d.  Such studies should be conducted by the industry and other qualified organizations and may be sponsored by the restructured NRC and other federal agencies.

5.  A study should be made of the chemical behavior and the extensive retention of radioactive iodine in water, which resulted in the very low release of radioiodine to the atmosphere in the TMI-2 accident. This information should be taken into account in the studies of the consequences of other small-break accidents.

6.  Since there are still health hazards associated with the cleanup and disposal process, which is being carried out for the first time in a commercial nuclear power plant, the Commission recommends close monitoring of the cleanup process at TMI and of the transportation and disposal of the large amount of radioactive material. As much data as possible should be preserved and recorded about the conditions within the containment building so that these may be used for future safety analyses.

7.  The Commission recommends that as a part of the formal safety assurance program, every accident or every new abnormal event be carefully screened, and where appropriate be rigorously investigated, to assess its implications for the existing system design, computer models of the system, equipment design and quality, operations, operator training, operator training simulators, plant procedures, safety systems, emergency measures, management, and regulatory requirements.